Thanks to the application of noise insulated glass units EURO PHON we can effectively counteract health problems connected to high level of noise. The noise from our surroundings can be very unpleasant to our ears because of its different volume and tones. It can be disruptive to our peace and can seriously harm our work and everyday functioning.
Unfortunately in many cases it is not possible to lengthen the distance between the source of noise and the affected structure. Therefore, there is a necessity of using different means aiming at improving the acoustic comfort of a building. One such means is glazing which has a high level of acoustic isolation. When analyzing the index of acoustic isolation it is important to remember that for our ears the limitation of noise level in a room at -1 dB is hardly noticeable, at -3 dB is slightly noticeable, at -5 dB is clearly noticeable. A reduction of noise level by half is considered at no less than – 10 dB. The sound insulating chamber glazing EURO PHON can also be combined with other types of functional glass which can lead to the creation of effective multifunctional structures.
Until recently the acoustic isolation of a construction was based on one Rw factor, without taking into consideration the characteristics of the source of noise. This could lead to miscalculated investments, and finally to an unsatisfactory level of noise reduction. In order to do away with such situations a new uniform indicator has been established, Rw ( C;Ctr). The letters ‘tr’ in any index are derived from the word ‘traffic’. The corrective C (dB) is applied in case of noise sources of high frequency, e.g., fast road traffic, fast railway traffic, planes flying nearby, sounds of everyday life, human voice, playing children. The corrective Ctr ( dB ) is applied in case of noise sources of low frequency, e.g., traffic, disco music, slow trains, planes at a distance. The correctives are calculated on the basic of the weighted acoustic spectrum ‘A’
C = pink interference
Ctr = traffic noise
Both the correctives are usually negative numbers, and their application signifies that the excessively favorable parameters of acoustic isolation will be corrected downwards.They are calculated by measurement laboratories and appear together with parameters of acoustic isolation ‘R’.